How the Leopard Gained His Strength

Of all the predators in the forest, there was none stronger than the leopard. He ran faster than the gazelle; he had the strength of ten men; he had claws the length of small daggers; and he had teeth that were razor sharp. The sight of him in the forest brought panic and confusion to all the animals who lived there. Everyone agreed—the leopard was the most powerful of them all.

The day came when the leopard wasn't so powerful. His teeth became loose in his mouth, and they wiggled when he chewed his meat; his claws dulled, and his strength waned. He could barely run without gasping. He fell to the earth in an exhausted heap, burning with fever, and he slept.

“What a pathetic creature you are!” said all the animals of the forest. “No one is afraid of you anymore.”

Shamed, the leopard found his way to the house of a diviner, and begged the old man to help him. “I would rather be dead than be like this,” the leopard told him.

“And if you remain like this, you will surely die,” agreed the diviner. Carefully, he marked ebó for the giant cat, and although it took everything leopard owned to make his ebó, he did as he was told. By the next morning, his strength was restored.

Yet he had one more gift that he did not possess previously: His loud, resounding roar. As he opened his mouth to praise the diviner, a great roar erupted from his jaws, and it was so loud that it sent all the birds in the forest flying, and all the animals running. No one taunted the leopard ever again, and every time one hears his roar in the forest, one knows he is praising the diviner who helped him regain his strength.